<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class WB_Input extends CI_Input {
/** * Fetch from array * * Internal method used to retrieve values from global arrays. * * @param array &$array $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, etc. * @param mixed $index Index for item to be fetched from $array * @param bool $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return mixed */ protected function _fetch_from_array(&$array, $index = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL, $default_value =NULL) { is_bool($xss_clean) OR $xss_clean = $this->_enable_xss;
// If $index is NULL, it means that the whole $array is requested
isset($index) OR $index = array_keys($array);
// allow fetching multiple keys at once
if (is_array($index)) { $output = array(); foreach ($index as $key) { $output[$key] = $this->_fetch_from_array($array, $key, $xss_clean); }
return $output; }
if (isset($array[$index])) { $value = $array[$index]; } elseif (($count = preg_match_all('/(?:^[^\[]+)|\[[^]]*\]/', $index, $matches)) > 1) // Does the index contain array notation
{ $value = $array; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $key = trim($matches[0][$i], '[]'); if ($key === '') // Empty notation will return the value as array
{ break; }
if (isset($value[$key])) { $value = $value[$key]; } else { return $default_value; } } } else { return $default_value; }
return ($xss_clean === TRUE) ? $this->security->xss_clean($value) : $value; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** * Fetch an item from the GET array * * @param mixed $index Index for item to be fetched from $_GET * @param bool $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return mixed */ public function get($index = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL, $default_value = NULL) { return $this->_fetch_from_array($_GET, $index, $xss_clean, $default_value); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** * Fetch an item from the POST array * * @param mixed $index Index for item to be fetched from $_POST * @param bool $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return mixed */ public function post($index = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL, $default_value = NULL) { return $this->_fetch_from_array($_POST, $index, $xss_clean, $default_value); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** * Fetch an item from POST data with fallback to GET * * @param string $index Index for item to be fetched from $_POST or $_GET * @param bool $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return mixed */ public function post_get($index, $xss_clean = NULL, $default_value = NULL) { return isset($_POST[$index]) ? $this->post($index, $xss_clean, $default_value) : $this->get($index, $xss_clean, $default_value); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** * Fetch an item from GET data with fallback to POST * * @param string $index Index for item to be fetched from $_GET or $_POST * @param bool $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return mixed */ public function get_post($index, $xss_clean = NULL, $default_value = NULL) { return isset($_GET[$index]) ? $this->get($index, $xss_clean, $default_value) : $this->post($index, $xss_clean, $default_value); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** * Fetch an item from the COOKIE array * * @param mixed $index Index for item to be fetched from $_COOKIE * @param bool $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return mixed */ public function cookie($index = NULL, $xss_clean = NULL, $default_value = NULL) { return $this->_fetch_from_array($_COOKIE, $index, $xss_clean, $default_value); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** * Fetch an item from the SERVER array * * @param mixed $index Index for item to be fetched from $_SERVER * @param bool $xss_clean Whether to apply XSS filtering * @return mixed */ public function server($index, $xss_clean = NULL, $default_value = NULL) { return $this->_fetch_from_array($_SERVER, $index, $xss_clean, $default_value); }