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7 years ago
  1. <div class="container">
  2. <div class="page-header">
  3. <h2 class="page-title"><?=$board['brd_title']?></h2>
  4. </div>
  5. <article class="panel panel-default">
  6. <header class="panel-heading">
  7. <h1 class="panel-title"><?=$view['post_title']?></h1>
  8. </header>
  9. <div class="panel-body">
  10. <ul class="post-info">
  11. <dl>
  12. <dt>작성자</dt>
  13. <dd><?=$view['mem_nickname']?></dd>
  14. </dl>
  15. <dl>
  16. <dt>조회수</dt>
  17. <dd><?=$view['post_hit']?></dd>
  18. </dl>
  19. <dl>
  20. <dt>작성일</dt>
  21. <dd><?=$view['post_datetime']?></dd>
  22. </dl>
  23. </ul>
  24. </div>
  25. <!-- START:: 글내용-->
  26. <div class="panel-body">
  27. <?php if( $view['post_status'] == 'Y' ) :
  28. echo display_html_content($view['post_content']);
  29. else : ?>
  30. <p class="alert alert-danger">해당 글은 블라인드 처리된 글입니다.</p>
  31. <?php endif;?>
  32. <div class="sns-share-wrap">
  33. <ul class="sns-share-list">
  34. <li><a href="#" data-toggle="sns-share" data-service="facebook" data-url="<?=current_url()?>" data-title="<?=$this->site->meta_title?>">페이스북 공유하기</a></li>
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  37. <li><a href="#" data-toggle="sns-share" data-service="band" data-url="<?=current_url()?>" data-title="<?=$this->site->meta_title?>">밴드 공유하기</a></li>
  38. <li><a href="#" data-toggle="sns-share" data-service="naver" data-url="<?=current_url()?>" data-title="<?=$this->site->meta_title?>">네이버 공유하기</a></li>
  39. </ul>
  40. </div>
  41. </div>
  42. <!-- END:: 글내용-->
  43. <?php if( count($view['file']) > 0 ) :?>
  44. <!-- START :: 첨부파일 목록 -->
  45. <div class="panel-body">
  46. <h4>첨부파일</h4>
  47. <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
  48. <?php foreach($view['file'] as $f) :?>
  49. <li><a href="<?=$f['link']?>"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> <?=$f['att_origin']?> (<?=format_size($f['att_filesize'])?>)</a></li>
  50. <?php endforeach;?>
  51. </ul>
  52. </div>
  53. <!-- END :: 첨부파일 목록 -->
  54. <?php endif;?>
  55. <div class="panel-footer">
  56. <div class="pull-left">
  57. <?php if($view['prev']) :?>
  58. <a class="btn btn-sm btn-default" href="<?=$view['prev']['link']?>">이전글</a>
  59. <?php endif;?>
  60. <a class="btn btn-sm btn-default" href="<?=$board['link']['list']?>">목록으로</a>
  61. <?php if($view['next']) :?>
  62. <a class="btn btn-sm btn-default" href="<?=$view['next']['link']?>">다음글</a>
  63. <?php endif;?>
  64. </div>
  65. <div class="pull-right">
  66. <?php if($board['auth']['reply']) :?>
  67. <a class="btn btn-sm btn-default" href="<?=$board['link']['reply']?>">답글</a>
  68. <?php endif;?>
  69. <a class="btn btn-sm btn-default" href="<?=$board['link']['modify']?>">수정</a>
  70. <a class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" href="<?=$board['link']['delete']?>">삭제</a>
  71. </div>
  72. <div class="clearfix"></div>
  73. </div>
  74. </article>
  75. <div class="H10"></div>
  76. <!-- START :: 코멘트 입력 -->
  77. <?=$comment_write?>
  78. <!-- END:: 코멘트 -->
  79. <!-- START :: 코멘트 목록 -->
  80. <?=$comment_list?>
  81. <!-- END:: 코멘트 -->
  82. <div class="H10"></div>
  83. <!-- START :: 게시글 목록-->
  84. <table class="table table-striped">
  85. <thead>
  86. <tr>
  87. <th class="text-center">#</th>
  88. <?php if($use_category) :?>
  89. <th class="text-center">분류</th>
  90. <?php endif;?>
  91. <th class="text-center"> </th>
  92. <th class="text-center">작성자</th>
  93. <th class="text-center">조회수</th>
  94. <th class="text-center">작성일</th>
  95. </tr>
  96. </thead>
  97. <tbody>
  98. <!-- START:: 목록-->
  99. <?php foreach($list['list'] as $post) :?>
  100. <tr>
  101. <td class="text-center">
  102. <?php if($view['post_idx'] == $post['post_idx']) :?>
  103. <?php elseif($post['post_notice']) : ?>
  104. <label class="label label-danger">공지</label>
  105. <?php elseif(strlen($post['post_reply']) > 0) : ?>
  106. <?php else :
  107. echo $post['nums'];
  108. endif;?>
  109. </td>
  110. <?php if($use_category) :?>
  111. <td class="text-center"><?=$post['bca_name']?></td>
  112. <?php endif;?>
  113. <td>
  114. <?php if(strlen($post['post_reply']) >0) :?>
  115. <span style="display:inline-block;width:<?=((strlen($post['post_reply'])-1) * 16)?>px"></span>
  116. <img src="<?=base_url('assets/images/common/icon_reply.gif')?>">
  117. <?php endif;?>
  118. <a href="<?=$post['link']?>"><?=$post['post_title']?></a> <!-- 제목-->
  119. <?php if($post['is_new']) :?><label class="label label-danger label-sm">NEW</label><?php endif;?>
  120. <?php if($post['is_hot']) :?><label class="label label-warning label-sm">HIT</label><?php endif;?>
  121. <?php if($post['post_count_comment']>0) :?><small>(<?=$post['post_count_comment']?>)</small><?php endif;?>
  122. <?php if($post['is_secret']) :?><i class="fa fa-lock"></i><?php endif;?>
  123. </td>
  124. <td class="text-center"><?=$post['mem_nickname']?></td>
  125. <td class="text-center"><?=$post['post_hit']?></td>
  126. <td class="text-center"><?=$post['post_datetime']?></td>
  127. </tr>
  128. <?php endforeach;?>
  129. <!-- END :: 목록-->
  130. <!-- START:: 등록된 글이 없는 경우-->
  131. <?php if(count($list['list'])==0):?>
  132. <tr>
  133. <td colspan="5" class="text-center">등록된 글이 없습니다.</td>
  134. </tr>
  135. <?php endif;?>
  136. <!-- END:: 등록된 글이 없는 경우-->
  137. </tbody>
  138. </table>
  139. <div class="text-center">
  140. <?=$pagination?>
  141. </div>
  142. <!-- END :: 게시글 목록-->
  143. </div>