"use strict";
/* * Copyright (c) 2016. tom@axisj.com * - github.com/thomasjang * - www.axisj.com */
// ax5.ui.modal
(function () { var UI = ax5.ui; var U = ax5.util; var MODAL = void 0;
UI.addClass({ className: "modal" }, function () { /** * @class ax5modal * @alias ax5.ui.modal * @author tom@axisj.com */ return function () { var self = this, cfg = void 0, ENM = { mousedown: ax5.info.supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", mousemove: ax5.info.supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", mouseup: ax5.info.supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup" }, getMousePosition = function getMousePosition(e) { var mouseObj = e; if ("changedTouches" in e && e.changedTouches) { mouseObj = e.changedTouches[0]; } return { clientX: mouseObj.clientX, clientY: mouseObj.clientY }; };
this.instanceId = ax5.getGuid(); this.config = { id: "ax5-modal-" + this.instanceId, position: { left: "center", top: "middle", margin: 10 }, minimizePosition: "bottom-right", clickEventName: "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement ? "touchstart" : "click", theme: "default", width: 300, height: 400, closeToEsc: true, disableDrag: false, disableResize: false, animateTime: 250, iframe: false }; this.activeModal = null; this.watingModal = false; this.$ = {}; // UI inside of the jQuery object store
cfg = this.config; // extended config copy cfg
var onStateChanged = function onStateChanged(opts, that) { var eventProcessor = { resize: function resize(that) { if (opts && opts.onResize) { opts.onResize.call(that, that); } else if (this.onResize) { this.onResize.call(that, that); } }, move: function move() {} }; if (that.state in eventProcessor) { eventProcessor[that.state].call(this, that); }
if (opts && opts.onStateChanged) { opts.onStateChanged.call(that, that); } else if (this.onStateChanged) { this.onStateChanged.call(that, that); } return true; }, getContent = function getContent(modalId, opts) { var data = { modalId: modalId, theme: opts.theme, header: opts.header, fullScreen: opts.fullScreen ? "fullscreen" : "", styles: "", iframe: opts.iframe, iframeLoadingMsg: opts.iframeLoadingMsg, disableResize: opts.disableResize };
if (opts.zIndex) { data.styles += "z-index:" + opts.zIndex + ";"; } if (opts.absolute) { data.styles += "position:absolute;"; }
if (data.iframe && typeof data.iframe.param === "string") { data.iframe.param = ax5.util.param(data.iframe.param); }
return MODAL.tmpl.get.call(this, "content", data, {}); }, open = function open(opts, callback) { var that = void 0; jQuery(document.body).append(getContent.call(this, opts.id, opts));
this.activeModal = jQuery("#" + opts.id); // 파트수집
this.$ = { root: this.activeModal, header: this.activeModal.find('[data-modal-els="header"]'), body: this.activeModal.find('[data-modal-els="body"]') };
if (opts.iframe) { this.$["iframe-wrap"] = this.activeModal.find('[data-modal-els="iframe-wrap"]'); this.$["iframe"] = this.activeModal.find('[data-modal-els="iframe"]'); this.$["iframe-form"] = this.activeModal.find('[data-modal-els="iframe-form"]'); this.$["iframe-loading"] = this.activeModal.find('[data-modal-els="iframe-loading"]'); } else { this.$["body-frame"] = this.activeModal.find('[data-modal-els="body-frame"]'); }
//- position 정렬
that = { self: this, id: opts.id, theme: opts.theme, width: opts.width, height: opts.height, state: "open", $: this.$ };
if (opts.iframe) { this.$["iframe-wrap"].css({ height: opts.height }); this.$["iframe"].css({ height: opts.height });
// iframe content load
this.$["iframe-form"].attr({ method: opts.iframe.method }); this.$["iframe-form"].attr({ target: opts.id + "-frame" }); this.$["iframe-form"].attr({ action: opts.iframe.url }); this.$["iframe"].on("load", function () { that.state = "load"; if (opts.iframeLoadingMsg) { this.$["iframe-loading"].hide(); } onStateChanged.call(this, opts, that); }.bind(this)); if (!opts.iframeLoadingMsg) { this.$["iframe"].show(); } this.$["iframe-form"].submit(); }
if (callback) callback.call(that, that);
if (!this.watingModal) { onStateChanged.call(this, opts, that); }
// bind key event
if (opts.closeToEsc) { jQuery(window).bind("keydown.ax-modal", function (e) { onkeyup.call(this, e || window.event); }.bind(this)); }
jQuery(window).bind("resize.ax-modal", function (e) { this.align(null, e || window.event); }.bind(this));
this.$.header.off(ENM["mousedown"]).off("dragstart").on(ENM["mousedown"], function (e) { /// 이벤트 필터링 추가 : 버튼엘리먼트로 부터 발생된 이벤트이면 moveModal 시작하지 않도록 필터링
var isButton = U.findParentNode(e.target, function (_target) { if (_target.getAttribute("data-modal-header-btn")) { return true; } });
if (!opts.isFullScreen && !isButton && opts.disableDrag != true) { self.mousePosition = getMousePosition(e); moveModal.on.call(self); } if (isButton) { btnOnClick.call(self, e || window.event, opts); } }).on("dragstart", function (e) { U.stopEvent(e.originalEvent); return false; });
this.activeModal.off(ENM["mousedown"]).off("dragstart").on(ENM["mousedown"], "[data-ax5modal-resizer]", function (e) { if (opts.disableDrag || opts.isFullScreen) return false; self.mousePosition = getMousePosition(e); resizeModal.on.call(self, this.getAttribute("data-ax5modal-resizer")); }).on("dragstart", function (e) { U.stopEvent(e.originalEvent); return false; }); }, btnOnClick = function btnOnClick(e, opts, callback, target, k) { var that = void 0; if (e.srcElement) e.target = e.srcElement;
target = U.findParentNode(e.target, function (target) { if (target.getAttribute("data-modal-header-btn")) { return true; } });
if (target) { k = target.getAttribute("data-modal-header-btn");
that = { self: this, key: k, value: opts.header.btns[k], dialogId: opts.id, btnTarget: target };
if (opts.header.btns[k].onClick) { opts.header.btns[k].onClick.call(that, k); } }
that = null; opts = null; callback = null; target = null; k = null; }, onkeyup = function onkeyup(e) { if (e.keyCode == ax5.info.eventKeys.ESC) { this.close(); } }, alignProcessor = { "top-left": function topLeft() { this.align({ left: "left", top: "top" }); }, "top-right": function topRight() { this.align({ left: "right", top: "top" }); }, "bottom-left": function bottomLeft() { this.align({ left: "left", top: "bottom" }); }, "bottom-right": function bottomRight() { this.align({ left: "right", top: "bottom" }); }, "center-middle": function centerMiddle() { this.align({ left: "center", top: "middle" }); } }, moveModal = { on: function on() { var modalZIndex = this.activeModal.css("z-index"), modalOffset = this.activeModal.offset(), modalBox = { width: this.activeModal.outerWidth(), height: this.activeModal.outerHeight() }, windowBox = { width: jQuery(window).width(), height: jQuery(window).height(), scrollLeft: jQuery(document).scrollLeft(), scrollTop: jQuery(document).scrollTop() }, getResizerPosition = function getResizerPosition(e) { self.__dx = e.clientX - self.mousePosition.clientX; self.__dy = e.clientY - self.mousePosition.clientY;
/* if (minX > modalOffset.left + self.__dx) { self.__dx = -modalOffset.left; } else if (maxX < modalOffset.left + self.__dx) { self.__dx = maxX - modalOffset.left; } if (minY > modalOffset.top + self.__dy) { self.__dy = -modalOffset.top; } else if (maxY < modalOffset.top + self.__dy) { self.__dy = maxY - modalOffset.top; } */
return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dy }; };
var minX = 0, maxX = windowBox.width - modalBox.width, minY = 0, maxY = windowBox.height - modalBox.height;
self.__dx = 0; // 변화량 X
self.__dy = 0; // 변화량 Y
// self.resizerBg : body 가 window보다 작을 때 문제 해결을 위한 DIV
self.resizerBg = jQuery('<div class="ax5modal-resizer-background" ondragstart="return false;"></div>'); self.resizer = jQuery('<div class="ax5modal-resizer" ondragstart="return false;"></div>'); self.resizerBg.css({ zIndex: modalZIndex }); self.resizer.css({ left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width, height: modalBox.height, zIndex: modalZIndex + 1 });
jQuery(document.body).on(ENM["mousemove"] + ".ax5modal-move-" + this.instanceId, function (e) { self.resizer.css(getResizerPosition(e)); }).on(ENM["mouseup"] + ".ax5modal-move-" + this.instanceId, function (e) { moveModal.off.call(self); }).on("mouseleave.ax5modal-move-" + this.instanceId, function (e) { moveModal.off.call(self); });
jQuery(document.body).attr("unselectable", "on").css("user-select", "none").on("selectstart", false); }, off: function off() { var setModalPosition = function setModalPosition() { var box = this.resizer.offset(); if (!this.modalConfig.absolute) { box.left -= jQuery(document).scrollLeft(); box.top -= jQuery(document).scrollTop(); } this.activeModal.css(box); this.modalConfig.left = box.left; this.modalConfig.top = box.top;
box = null; };
this.activeModal.removeClass("draged"); setModalPosition.call(this);
this.resizer.remove(); this.resizer = null; this.resizerBg.remove(); this.resizerBg = null; //this.align();
jQuery(document.body).off(ENM["mousemove"] + ".ax5modal-move-" + this.instanceId).off(ENM["mouseup"] + ".ax5modal-move-" + this.instanceId).off("mouseleave.ax5modal-move-" + this.instanceId);
jQuery(document.body).removeAttr("unselectable").css("user-select", "auto").off("selectstart");
onStateChanged.call(this, self.modalConfig, { self: this, state: "move" }); } }, resizeModal = { on: function on(resizerType) { var modalZIndex = this.activeModal.css("z-index"), modalOffset = this.activeModal.offset(), modalBox = { width: this.activeModal.outerWidth(), height: this.activeModal.outerHeight() }, windowBox = { width: jQuery(window).width(), height: jQuery(window).height(), scrollLeft: jQuery(document).scrollLeft(), scrollTop: jQuery(document).scrollTop() }, resizerProcessor = { top: function top(e) { if (minHeight > modalBox.height - self.__dy) { self.__dy = modalBox.height - minHeight; }
if (e.shiftKey) { if (minHeight > modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (modalBox.height - minHeight) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dy, width: modalBox.width, height: modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2 }; } else if (e.altKey) { if (minHeight > modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (modalBox.height - minHeight) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dy, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dy, width: modalBox.width - self.__dy * 2, height: modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2 }; } else { return { left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dy, width: modalBox.width, height: modalBox.height - self.__dy }; } }, bottom: function bottom(e) { if (minHeight > modalBox.height + self.__dy) { self.__dy = -modalBox.height + minHeight; }
if (e.shiftKey) { if (minHeight > modalBox.height + self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (-modalBox.height + minHeight) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top - self.__dy, width: modalBox.width, height: modalBox.height + self.__dy * 2 }; } else if (e.altKey) { if (minHeight > modalBox.height + self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (-modalBox.height + minHeight) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left - self.__dy, top: modalOffset.top - self.__dy, width: modalBox.width + self.__dy * 2, height: modalBox.height + self.__dy * 2 }; } else { return { left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width, height: modalBox.height + self.__dy }; } }, left: function left(e) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width - self.__dx) { self.__dx = modalBox.width - minWidth; }
if (e.shiftKey) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (modalBox.width - minWidth) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2, height: modalBox.height }; } else if (e.altKey) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (modalBox.width - minWidth) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dx, width: modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2, height: modalBox.height - self.__dx * 2 }; } else { return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width - self.__dx, height: modalBox.height }; } }, right: function right(e) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width + self.__dx) { self.__dx = -modalBox.width + minWidth; }
if (e.shiftKey) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width + self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (-modalBox.width + minWidth) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left - self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width + self.__dx * 2, height: modalBox.height }; } else if (e.altKey) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width + self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (-modalBox.width + minWidth) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left - self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top - self.__dx, width: modalBox.width + self.__dx * 2, height: modalBox.height + self.__dx * 2 }; } else { return { left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width + self.__dx, height: modalBox.height }; } }, "top-left": function topLeft(e) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width - self.__dx) { self.__dx = modalBox.width - minWidth; }
if (minHeight > modalBox.height - self.__dy) { self.__dy = modalBox.height - minHeight; }
if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey) { if (minHeight > modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (modalBox.height - minHeight) / 2; } if (minWidth > modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (modalBox.width - minWidth) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dy, width: modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2, height: modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2 }; } else { if (minHeight > modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (modalBox.height - minHeight) / 2; } if (minWidth > modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (modalBox.width - minWidth) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dy, width: modalBox.width - self.__dx, height: modalBox.height - self.__dy }; } }, "top-right": function topRight(e) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width + self.__dx) { self.__dx = -modalBox.width + minWidth; }
if (minHeight > modalBox.height - self.__dy) { self.__dy = modalBox.height - minHeight; }
if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey) { if (minHeight > modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (modalBox.height - minHeight) / 2; } if (minWidth > modalBox.width + self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (-modalBox.width + minWidth) / 2; }
return { left: modalOffset.left - self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dy, width: modalBox.width + self.__dx * 2, height: modalBox.height - self.__dy * 2 }; } else { return { left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top + self.__dy, width: modalBox.width + self.__dx, height: modalBox.height - self.__dy }; } }, "bottom-left": function bottomLeft(e) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width - self.__dx) { self.__dx = modalBox.width - minWidth; }
if (minHeight > modalBox.height + self.__dy) { self.__dy = -modalBox.height + minHeight; }
if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (modalBox.width - minWidth) / 2; } if (minHeight > modalBox.height + self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (-modalBox.height + minHeight) / 2; } return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top - self.__dy, width: modalBox.width - self.__dx * 2, height: modalBox.height + self.__dy * 2 }; } else { return { left: modalOffset.left + self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width - self.__dx, height: modalBox.height + self.__dy }; } }, "bottom-right": function bottomRight(e) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width + self.__dx) { self.__dx = -modalBox.width + minWidth; }
if (minHeight > modalBox.height + self.__dy) { self.__dy = -modalBox.height + minHeight; }
if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey) { if (minWidth > modalBox.width + self.__dx * 2) { self.__dx = (-modalBox.width + minWidth) / 2; } if (minHeight > modalBox.height + self.__dy * 2) { self.__dy = (-modalBox.height + minHeight) / 2; } return { left: modalOffset.left - self.__dx, top: modalOffset.top - self.__dy, width: modalBox.width + self.__dx * 2, height: modalBox.height + self.__dy * 2 }; } else { return { left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width + self.__dx, height: modalBox.height + self.__dy }; } } }, getResizerPosition = function getResizerPosition(e) { self.__dx = e.clientX - self.mousePosition.clientX; self.__dy = e.clientY - self.mousePosition.clientY;
return resizerProcessor[resizerType](e); };
var minWidth = 100, minHeight = 100;
var cursorType = { top: "row-resize", bottom: "row-resize", left: "col-resize", right: "col-resize", "top-left": "nwse-resize", "top-right": "nesw-resize", "bottom-left": "nesw-resize", "bottom-right": "nwse-resize" };
self.__dx = 0; // 변화량 X
self.__dy = 0; // 변화량 Y
// self.resizerBg : body 가 window보다 작을 때 문제 해결을 위한 DIV
self.resizerBg = jQuery('<div class="ax5modal-resizer-background" ondragstart="return false;"></div>'); self.resizer = jQuery('<div class="ax5modal-resizer" ondragstart="return false;"></div>'); self.resizerBg.css({ zIndex: modalZIndex, cursor: cursorType[resizerType] }); self.resizer.css({ left: modalOffset.left, top: modalOffset.top, width: modalBox.width, height: modalBox.height, zIndex: modalZIndex + 1, cursor: cursorType[resizerType] }); jQuery(document.body).append(self.resizerBg).append(self.resizer); self.activeModal.addClass("draged");
jQuery(document.body).bind(ENM["mousemove"] + ".ax5modal-resize-" + this.instanceId, function (e) { self.resizer.css(getResizerPosition(e)); }).bind(ENM["mouseup"] + ".ax5modal-resize-" + this.instanceId, function (e) { resizeModal.off.call(self); }).bind("mouseleave.ax5modal-resize-" + this.instanceId, function (e) { resizeModal.off.call(self); });
jQuery(document.body).attr("unselectable", "on").css("user-select", "none").bind("selectstart", false); }, off: function off() { var setModalPosition = function setModalPosition() { var box = this.resizer.offset(); jQuery.extend(box, { width: this.resizer.width(), height: this.resizer.height() }); if (!this.modalConfig.absolute) { box.left -= jQuery(document).scrollLeft(); box.top -= jQuery(document).scrollTop(); } this.activeModal.css(box);
this.modalConfig.left = box.left; this.modalConfig.top = box.top; this.modalConfig.width = box.width; this.modalConfig.height = box.height; this.$["body"].css({ height: box.height - this.modalConfig.headerHeight }); if (this.modalConfig.iframe) { this.$["iframe-wrap"].css({ height: box.height - this.modalConfig.headerHeight }); this.$["iframe"].css({ height: box.height - this.modalConfig.headerHeight }); }
box = null; };
this.activeModal.removeClass("draged"); setModalPosition.call(this);
this.resizer.remove(); this.resizer = null; this.resizerBg.remove(); this.resizerBg = null;
onStateChanged.call(this, self.modalConfig, { self: this, state: "resize" });
jQuery(document.body).unbind(ENM["mousemove"] + ".ax5modal-resize-" + this.instanceId).unbind(ENM["mouseup"] + ".ax5modal-resize-" + this.instanceId).unbind("mouseleave.ax5modal-resize-" + this.instanceId);
jQuery(document.body).removeAttr("unselectable").css("user-select", "auto").unbind("selectstart"); } };
/// private end
/** * Preferences of modal UI * @method ax5modal.setConfig * @param {Object} config - 클래스 속성값 * @param {Number} [config.zIndex] * @param {Object} [config.position] * @param {String} [config.position.left="center"] * @param {String} [config.position.top="middle"] * @param {Number} [config.position.margin=10] * @param {String} [config.minimizePosition="bottom-right"] * @param {Number} [config.width=300] * @param {Number} [config.height=400] * @param {Boolean} [config.closeToEsc=true] * @param {Boolean} [config.absolute=false] * @param {Boolean} [config.disableDrag=false] * @param {Boolean} [config.disableResize=false] * @param {Number} [config.animateTime=250] * @param {Function} [config.fullScreen] * @param {Function} [config.onStateChanged] - `onStateChanged` function can be defined in setConfig method or new ax5.ui.modal initialization method. However, you can us to define an event function after initialization, if necessary * @param {Function} [config.onResize] * @returns {ax5modal} * @example * ```js
* var modal = new ax5.ui.modal({ * iframeLoadingMsg: '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-5x fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i>', * header: { * title: "MODAL TITLE", * btns: { * minimize: { * label: '<i class="fa fa-minus-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>', onClick: function () { * modal.minimize(); * } * }, * maximize: { * label: '<i class="fa fa-plus-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>', onClick: function () { * modal.maximize(); * } * }, * close: { * label: '<i class="fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>', onClick: function () { * modal.close(); * } * } * } * } * }); * * modal.open({ * width: 800, * height: 600, * fullScreen: function(){ * return ($(window).width() < 600); * }, * iframe: { * method: "get", * url: "http://chequer-app:2017/html/login.html", * param: "callback=modalCallback" * }, * onStateChanged: function(){ * console.log(this); * }, * onResize: function(){ * console.log(this); * } * }); * ```
*/ //== class body start
this.init = function () { this.onStateChanged = cfg.onStateChanged; this.onResize = cfg.onResize; };
/** * open the modal * @method ax5modal.open * @returns {ax5modal} * @example * ```
* modal.open(); * modal.open({ * width: 500, * height: 500 * }); * moaal.open({}, function(){ * console.log(this); * }); * ```
*/ this.open = function (opts, callback, tryCount) { if (typeof tryCount === "undefined") tryCount = 0; if (!this.activeModal) { opts = self.modalConfig = jQuery.extend(true, {}, cfg, opts); open.call(this, opts, callback); this.watingModal = false; } else if (tryCount < 3) { // 3번까지 재 시도
this.watingModal = true; setTimeout(function () { this.open(opts, callback, tryCount + 1); }.bind(this), cfg.animateTime); } else { // 열기 시도 종료
this.watingModal = false; } return this; };
/** * close the modal * @method ax5modal.close * @param _option * @returns {ax5modal} * @example * ```
* my_modal.close(); * my_modal.close({callback: function(){ * // on close event
* }); * // close 함수에 callback을 전달하면 정확한 close 타이밍을 캐치할 수 있습니다
* ```
this.close = function (_option) { var opts = void 0, that = void 0;
if (this.activeModal) { opts = self.modalConfig; this.activeModal.addClass("destroy"); jQuery(window).unbind("keydown.ax-modal"); jQuery(window).unbind("resize.ax-modal");
setTimeout(function () { // 프레임 제거
if (opts.iframe) { var $iframe = this.$["iframe"]; // iframe jQuery Object
if ($iframe) { var iframeObject = $iframe.get(0), idoc = iframeObject.contentDocument ? iframeObject.contentDocument : iframeObject.contentWindow.document;
try { $(idoc.body).children().each(function () { $(this).remove(); }); } catch (e) {} idoc.innerHTML = ""; $iframe.attr("src", "about:blank").remove();
// force garbarge collection for IE only
window.CollectGarbage && window.CollectGarbage(); } }
this.activeModal.remove(); this.activeModal = null;
// 모달 오픈 대기중이면 닫기 상태 전달 안함.
if (!this.watingModal) { onStateChanged.call(this, opts, { self: this, state: "close" }); }
if (_option && U.isFunction(_option.callback)) { that = { self: this, id: opts.id, theme: opts.theme, width: opts.width, height: opts.height, state: "close", $: this.$ }; _option.callback.call(that, that); } }.bind(this), cfg.animateTime); }
this.minimized = false; // hoksi
return this; };
/** * @method ax5modal.minimize * @returns {ax5modal} */ this.minimize = function () { return function (minimizePosition) { if (this.minimized !== true) { var opts = self.modalConfig; if (typeof minimizePosition === "undefined") minimizePosition = cfg.minimizePosition;
this.minimized = true; this.$.body.hide(); self.modalConfig.originalHeight = opts.height; self.modalConfig.height = 0; alignProcessor[minimizePosition].call(this);
onStateChanged.call(this, opts, { self: this, state: "minimize" }); }
return this; }; }();
/** * @method ax5modal.restore * @returns {ax5modal} */ this.restore = function () { var opts = self.modalConfig; if (this.minimized) { this.minimized = false; this.$.body.show(); self.modalConfig.height = self.modalConfig.originalHeight; self.modalConfig.originalHeight = undefined;
this.align({ left: "center", top: "middle" }); onStateChanged.call(this, opts, { self: this, state: "restore" }); } return this; };
/** * setCSS * @method ax5modal.css * @param {Object} css - * @returns {ax5modal} */ this.css = function (css) { if (this.activeModal && !self.fullScreen) { this.activeModal.css(css); if (typeof css.width !== "undefined") { self.modalConfig.width = css.width; } if (typeof css.height !== "undefined") { self.modalConfig.height = css.height; }
this.align(); } return this; };
/** * @method ax5modal.setModalConfig * @param _config * @returns {ax5.ui.ax5modal} */ this.setModalConfig = function (_config) { self.modalConfig = jQuery.extend({}, self.modalConfig, _config); this.align(); return this; };
/** * @method ax5modal.align * @param position * @param e * @returns {ax5modal} * @example * ```js
* modal.align({left:"center", top:"middle"}); * modal.align({left:"left", top:"top", margin: 20}); * ```
*/ this.align = function () { return function (position, e) { if (!this.activeModal) return this;
var opts = self.modalConfig, box = { width: opts.width, height: opts.height };
var fullScreen = opts.isFullScreen = function (_fullScreen) { if (typeof _fullScreen === "undefined") { return false; } else if (U.isFunction(_fullScreen)) { return _fullScreen(); } }(opts.fullScreen);
if (fullScreen) { if (opts.header) this.$.header.show(); if (opts.header) { opts.headerHeight = this.$.header.outerHeight(); box.height += opts.headerHeight; } else { opts.headerHeight = 0; } box.width = jQuery(window).width(); box.height = opts.height; box.left = 0; box.top = 0; } else { if (opts.header) this.$.header.show(); if (position) { jQuery.extend(true, opts.position, position); }
if (opts.header) { opts.headerHeight = this.$.header.outerHeight(); box.height += opts.headerHeight; } else { opts.headerHeight = 0; }
//- position 정렬
if (opts.position.left == "left") { box.left = opts.position.margin || 0; } else if (opts.position.left == "right") { // window.innerWidth;
box.left = jQuery(window).width() - box.width - (opts.position.margin || 0); } else if (opts.position.left == "center") { box.left = jQuery(window).width() / 2 - box.width / 2; } else { box.left = opts.position.left || 0; }
if (opts.position.top == "top") { box.top = opts.position.margin || 0; } else if (opts.position.top == "bottom") { box.top = jQuery(window).height() - box.height - (opts.position.margin || 0); } else if (opts.position.top == "middle") { box.top = jQuery(window).height() / 2 - box.height / 2; } else { box.top = opts.position.top || 0; } if (box.left < 0) box.left = 0; if (box.top < 0) box.top = 0;
if (opts.absolute) { box.top += jQuery(window).scrollTop(); box.left += jQuery(window).scrollLeft(); } }
this.$["body"].css({ height: box.height - (opts.headerHeight || 0) });
if (opts.iframe) { this.$["iframe-wrap"].css({ height: box.height - opts.headerHeight }); this.$["iframe"].css({ height: box.height - opts.headerHeight }); } else {} return this; }; }();
// 클래스 생성자
this.main = function () { UI.modal_instance = UI.modal_instance || []; UI.modal_instance.push(this);
if (arguments && U.isObject(arguments[0])) { this.setConfig(arguments[0]); } }.apply(this, arguments); }; }());
MODAL = ax5.ui.modal; })();
// ax5.ui.modal.tmpl
(function () { var MODAL = ax5.ui.modal;
var content = function content() { return " \n <div id=\"{{modalId}}\" data-modal-els=\"root\" class=\"ax5modal {{theme}} {{fullscreen}}\" style=\"{{styles}}\">\n {{#header}}\n <div class=\"ax-modal-header\" data-modal-els=\"header\">\n {{{title}}}\n {{#btns}}\n <div class=\"ax-modal-header-addon\">\n {{#@each}}\n <button tabindex=\"-1\" data-modal-header-btn=\"{{@key}}\" class=\"{{@value.theme}}\">{{{@value.label}}}</button>\n {{/@each}}\n </div>\n {{/btns}}\n </div>\n {{/header}}\n <div class=\"ax-modal-body\" data-modal-els=\"body\">\n {{#iframe}}\n <div data-modal-els=\"iframe-wrap\" style=\"-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; overflow: auto;position: relative;\">\n <table data-modal-els=\"iframe-loading\" style=\"width:100%;height:100%;\"><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;vertical-align: middle\">{{{iframeLoadingMsg}}}</td></tr></table>\n <iframe name=\"{{modalId}}-frame\" src=\"\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" frameborder=\"0\" data-modal-els=\"iframe\" style=\"position: absolute;left:0;top:0;\"></iframe>\n </div>\n <form name=\"{{modalId}}-form\" data-modal-els=\"iframe-form\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"modalId\" value=\"{{modalId}}\" />\n {{#param}}\n {{#@each}}\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{{@key}}\" value=\"{{@value}}\" />\n {{/@each}}\n {{/param}}\n </form>\n {{/iframe}}\n {{^iframe}}\n <div data-modal-els=\"body-frame\" style=\"position: absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"></div>\n {{/iframe}}\n </div>\n {{^disableResize}}\n <div data-ax5modal-resizer=\"top\"></div>\n <div data-ax5modal-resizer=\"right\"></div>\n <div data-ax5modal-resizer=\"bottom\"></div>\n <div data-ax5modal-resizer=\"left\"></div>\n <div data-ax5modal-resizer=\"top-left\"></div>\n <div data-ax5modal-resizer=\"top-right\"></div>\n <div data-ax5modal-resizer=\"bottom-left\"></div>\n <div data-ax5modal-resizer=\"bottom-right\"></div>\n {{/disableResize}}\n </div>\n "; };
MODAL.tmpl = { "content": content,
get: function get(tmplName, data, columnKeys) { return ax5.mustache.render(MODAL.tmpl[tmplName].call(this, columnKeys), data); } }; })();