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defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Format class
* Help convert between various formats such as XML, JSON, CSV, etc.
* @author Phil Sturgeon, Chris Kacerguis, @softwarespot
* @license http://www.dbad-license.org/
class Format {
* Array output format
const ARRAY_FORMAT = 'array';
* Comma Separated Value (CSV) output format
const CSV_FORMAT = 'csv';
* Json output format
const JSON_FORMAT = 'json';
* HTML output format
const HTML_FORMAT = 'html';
* PHP output format
const PHP_FORMAT = 'php';
* Serialized output format
const SERIALIZED_FORMAT = 'serialized';
* XML output format
const XML_FORMAT = 'xml';
* Default format of this class
const DEFAULT_FORMAT = self::JSON_FORMAT; // Couldn't be DEFAULT, as this is a keyword
* CodeIgniter instance
* @var object
private $_CI;
* Data to parse
* @var mixed
protected $_data = [];
* Type to convert from
* @var string
protected $_from_type = NULL;
* @param NULL $data
* @param NULL $from_type
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($data = NULL, $from_type = NULL)
// Get the CodeIgniter reference
$this->_CI = &get_instance();
// Load the inflector helper
// If the provided data is already formatted we should probably convert it to an array
if ($from_type !== NULL)
if (method_exists($this, '_from_' . $from_type))
$data = call_user_func([$this, '_from_' . $from_type], $data);
throw new Exception('Format class does not support conversion from "' . $from_type . '".');
// Set the member variable to the data passed
$this->_data = $data;
* Create an instance of the format class
* e.g: echo $this->format->factory(['foo' => 'bar'])->to_csv();
* @param mixed $data Data to convert/parse
* @param string $from_type Type to convert from e.g. json, csv, html
* @return object Instance of the format class
public function factory($data, $from_type = NULL)
// $class = __CLASS__;
// return new $class();
return new static($data, $from_type);
// FORMATTING OUTPUT ---------------------------------------------------------
* Format data as an array
* @param mixed|NULL $data Optional data to pass, so as to override the data passed
* to the constructor
* @return array Data parsed as an array; otherwise, an empty array
public function to_array($data = NULL)
// If no data is passed as a parameter, then use the data passed
// via the constructor
if ($data === NULL && func_num_args() === 0)
$data = $this->_data;
// Cast as an array if not already
if (is_array($data) === FALSE)
$data = (array) $data;
$array = [];
foreach ((array) $data as $key => $value)
if (is_object($value) === TRUE || is_array($value) === TRUE)
$array[$key] = $this->to_array($value);
$array[$key] = $value;
return $array;
* Format data as XML
* @param mixed|NULL $data Optional data to pass, so as to override the data passed
* to the constructor
* @param NULL $structure
* @param string $basenode
* @return mixed
public function to_xml($data = NULL, $structure = NULL, $basenode = 'xml')
if ($data === NULL && func_num_args() === 0)
$data = $this->_data;
// turn off compatibility mode as simple xml throws a wobbly if you don't.
if (ini_get('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode') == 1)
ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', 0);
if ($structure === NULL)
$structure = simplexml_load_string("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><$basenode />");
// Force it to be something useful
if (is_array($data) === FALSE && is_object($data) === FALSE)
$data = (array) $data;
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
//change false/true to 0/1
if (is_bool($value))
$value = (int) $value;
// no numeric keys in our xml please!
if (is_numeric($key))
// make string key...
$key = (singular($basenode) != $basenode) ? singular($basenode) : 'item';
// replace anything not alpha numeric
$key = preg_replace('/[^a-z_\-0-9]/i', '', $key);
if ($key === '_attributes' && (is_array($value) || is_object($value)))
$attributes = $value;
if (is_object($attributes))
$attributes = get_object_vars($attributes);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute_name => $attribute_value)
$structure->addAttribute($attribute_name, $attribute_value);
// if there is another array found recursively call this function
elseif (is_array($value) || is_object($value))
$node = $structure->addChild($key);
// recursive call.
$this->to_xml($value, $node, $key);
// add single node.
$value = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$structure->addChild($key, $value);
return $structure->asXML();
* Format data as HTML
* @param mixed|NULL $data Optional data to pass, so as to override the data passed
* to the constructor
* @return mixed
public function to_html($data = NULL)
// If no data is passed as a parameter, then use the data passed
// via the constructor
if ($data === NULL && func_num_args() === 0)
$data = $this->_data;
// Cast as an array if not already
if (is_array($data) === FALSE)
$data = (array) $data;
// Check if it's a multi-dimensional array
if (isset($data[0]) && count($data) !== count($data, COUNT_RECURSIVE))
// Multi-dimensional array
$headings = array_keys($data[0]);
// Single array
$headings = array_keys($data);
$data = [$data];
// Load the table library
foreach ($data as $row)
// Suppressing the "array to string conversion" notice
// Keep the "evil" @ here
$row = @array_map('strval', $row);
return $this->_CI->table->generate();
* @link http://www.metashock.de/2014/02/create-csv-file-in-memory-php/
* @param mixed|NULL $data Optional data to pass, so as to override the data passed
* to the constructor
* @param string $delimiter The optional delimiter parameter sets the field
* delimiter (one character only). NULL will use the default value (,)
* @param string $enclosure The optional enclosure parameter sets the field
* enclosure (one character only). NULL will use the default value (")
* @return string A csv string
public function to_csv($data = NULL, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"')
// Use a threshold of 1 MB (1024 * 1024)
$handle = fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:1048576', 'w');
if ($handle === FALSE)
return NULL;
// If no data is passed as a parameter, then use the data passed
// via the constructor
if ($data === NULL && func_num_args() === 0)
$data = $this->_data;
// If NULL, then set as the default delimiter
if ($delimiter === NULL)
$delimiter = ',';
// If NULL, then set as the default enclosure
if ($enclosure === NULL)
$enclosure = '"';
// Cast as an array if not already
if (is_array($data) === FALSE)
$data = (array) $data;
// Check if it's a multi-dimensional array
if (isset($data[0]) && count($data) !== count($data, COUNT_RECURSIVE))
// Multi-dimensional array
$headings = array_keys($data[0]);
// Single array
$headings = array_keys($data);
$data = [$data];
// Apply the headings
fputcsv($handle, $headings, $delimiter, $enclosure);
foreach ($data as $record)
// If the record is not an array, then break. This is because the 2nd param of
// fputcsv() should be an array
if (is_array($record) === FALSE)
// Suppressing the "array to string conversion" notice.
// Keep the "evil" @ here.
$record = @ array_map('strval', $record);
// Returns the length of the string written or FALSE
fputcsv($handle, $record, $delimiter, $enclosure);
// Reset the file pointer
// Retrieve the csv contents
$csv = stream_get_contents($handle);
// Close the handle
return $csv;
* Encode data as json
* @param mixed|NULL $data Optional data to pass, so as to override the data passed
* to the constructor
* @return string Json representation of a value
public function to_json($data = NULL)
// If no data is passed as a parameter, then use the data passed
// via the constructor
if ($data === NULL && func_num_args() === 0)
$data = $this->_data;
// Get the callback parameter (if set)
$callback = $this->_CI->input->get('callback');
if (empty($callback) === TRUE)
// We only honour a jsonp callback which are valid javascript identifiers
elseif (preg_match('/^[a-z_\$][a-z0-9\$_]*(\.[a-z_\$][a-z0-9\$_]*)*$/i', $callback))
// Return the data as encoded json with a callback
return $callback . '(' . json_encode($data) . ');';
// An invalid jsonp callback function provided.
// Though I don't believe this should be hardcoded here
$data['warning'] = 'INVALID JSONP CALLBACK: ' . $callback;
return json_encode($data);
* Encode data as a serialized array
* @param mixed|NULL $data Optional data to pass, so as to override the data passed
* to the constructor
* @return string Serialized data
public function to_serialized($data = NULL)
// If no data is passed as a parameter, then use the data passed
// via the constructor
if ($data === NULL && func_num_args() === 0)
$data = $this->_data;
return serialize($data);
* Format data using a PHP structure
* @param mixed|NULL $data Optional data to pass, so as to override the data passed
* to the constructor
* @return mixed String representation of a variable
public function to_php($data = NULL)
// If no data is passed as a parameter, then use the data passed
// via the constructor
if ($data === NULL && func_num_args() === 0)
$data = $this->_data;
return var_export($data, TRUE);
* @param $data XML string
* @return SimpleXMLElement XML element object; otherwise, empty array
protected function _from_xml($data)
return $data ? (array) simplexml_load_string($data, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA) : [];
* @param string $data CSV string
* @param string $delimiter The optional delimiter parameter sets the field
* delimiter (one character only). NULL will use the default value (,)
* @param string $enclosure The optional enclosure parameter sets the field
* enclosure (one character only). NULL will use the default value (")
* @return array A multi-dimensional array with the outer array being the number of rows
* and the inner arrays the individual fields
protected function _from_csv($data, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"')
// If NULL, then set as the default delimiter
if ($delimiter === NULL)
$delimiter = ',';
// If NULL, then set as the default enclosure
if ($enclosure === NULL)
$enclosure = '"';
return str_getcsv($data, $delimiter, $enclosure);
* @param $data Encoded json string
* @return mixed Decoded json string with leading and trailing whitespace removed
protected function _from_json($data)
return json_decode(trim($data));
* @param string Data to unserialized
* @return mixed Unserialized data
protected function _from_serialize($data)
return unserialize(trim($data));
* @param $data Data to trim leading and trailing whitespace
* @return string Data with leading and trailing whitespace removed
protected function _from_php($data)
return trim($data);