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238 lines
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238 lines
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* Class Statics_model
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* 통계 관련 모델
class Statics_model extends WB_Model
function ip_info_update()
$this->db->where('sta_country_code', '');
$this->db->where('sta_ip <>', '0');
$this->db->where('sta_ip <>', '2130706433'); //
$result = $this->db->get('statics');
$list = $result->result_array();
if( count($list) > 0 )
foreach($list as $row)
$ip_info = get_ip_info( long2ip($row['sta_ip']));
$this->db->where('sta_ip', $row['sta_ip']);
$this->db->set('sta_country', $ip_info['country'] );
$this->db->set('sta_country_code', $ip_info['countryCode']);
$this->db->set('sta_addr', $ip_info['addr']);
$this->db->set('sta_org', $ip_info['org']);
* 방문통계 목록 구하기
* @param array $param
* @return mixed
function visit_list($param=array())
$param['select'] = '*, INET_NTOA(sta_ip) AS sta_ip';
$param['from'] = "statics";
$param['limit'] = TRUE;
$param['page_rows'] = element('page_rows', $param, 20);
$param['page'] = element('page', $param, 1);
$param['order_by'] = "sta_idx DESC";
$list = $this->get_list($param);
// 데이타 가공
foreach($list['list'] as &$row)
// Internet Explorer인 경우 버젼도 같이 포함해 줍니다.
if( strtolower($row['sta_browser']) == 'internet explorer' )
$row['sta_browser'] .= " " . $row['sta_version'];
$row['sta_device'] = $row['sta_is_mobile'] == 'Y' ? $row['sta_mobile'] : $row['sta_platform'];
return $list;
* 시간대별 통계
* @param $startdate
* @param $enddate
function statics_times($startdate, $enddate) {
$return = array();
$return['sum'] = 0;
$return['list'] = array();
$return['total'] = 0;
$return['hourlist'] = array();
$return['valuelist'] = array();
for($i= 0; $i<=23; $i++) {
$return['list'][ sprintf('%02d', $i)] = 0;
$return['hourlist'][] = $i;
$result =
$this->db->select("DATE_FORMAT(sta_regtime, '%H') as hour, COUNT(*) AS `count`")
->where('sta_regtime >=', $startdate . " 00:00:00")
->where('sta_regtime <=', $enddate . " 23:59:59")
->group_by("DATE_FORMAT(sta_regtime, '%H')")
->order_by("hour ASC")
$result_array = $result->result_array();
foreach($result_array as $row)
$return['list'][$row['hour']] += $row['count'];
$return['total'] += $row['count'];
foreach($return['list'] as $value)
$return['valuelist'][] = $value;
$return['hourlist'] = json_encode($return['hourlist'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$return['valuelist'] = json_encode($return['valuelist'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
return $return;
* 기기별 통계
* @param $startdate
* @param $enddate
* @return array
function statics_device($startdate, $enddate) {
$return = array(
"sum" => array(
"total" => array(
"count" => 0
"pc" => array(
"count" => 0,
"percent" => 0
"mobile" => array(
"count" => 0,
"percent" => 0
"list" => array(),
"device_counts" => array(),
"device_list" => array()
$startdate_s = new DateTime($startdate); // 20120101 같은 포맷도 잘됨
$enddate_s = new DateTime($enddate);
$diff = date_diff($startdate_s, $enddate_s);
$diff = $diff->days;
for($i=0; $i<=$diff; $i++)
$r_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+{$i} days", strtotime($startdate)));
$return['list'][ $r_date ]['pc'] = 0;
$return['list'][ $r_date ]['mobile'] = 0;
$return['list'][ $r_date ]['total'] = 0;
$result =
$this->db->select("DATE_FORMAT(sta_regtime, '%Y-%m-%d') as date, sta_is_mobile, COUNT(*) AS `count`")
->where('sta_regtime >=', $startdate . " 00:00:00")
->where('sta_regtime <=', $enddate . " 23:59:59")
->group_by("DATE_FORMAT(sta_regtime, '%Y-%m-%d'), sta_is_mobile")
->order_by("date ASC")
$result_array = $result->result_array();
foreach($result_array as $row)
if( $row['sta_is_mobile'] == 'Y' ) {
$return['sum']['mobile']['count'] += (int)$row['count'];
$return['list'][ $row['date'] ]['mobile'] = (int)$row['count'];
else {
$return['sum']['pc']['count'] += (int)$row['count'];
$return['list'][ $row['date'] ]['pc'] = (int)$row['count'];
$return['sum']['total']['count'] += (int)$row['count'];
$return['list'][ $row['date'] ]['total'] += (int)$row['count'];
if( $return['sum']['total']['count'] > 0 )
$return['sum']['pc']['percent'] = round($return['sum']['pc']['count'] / $return['sum']['total']['count'] * 100, 2);
$return['sum']['mobile']['percent'] = round($return['sum']['mobile']['count'] / $return['sum']['total']['count'] * 100, 2);
// 모바일 기기별
$result =
->select('sta_mobile, COUNT(*) AS count')
->where('sta_regtime >=', $startdate . " 00:00:00")
->where('sta_regtime <=', $enddate . " 23:59:59")
->where('sta_mobile <>', '')
->order_by('count DESC')
$list = $result->result_array();
foreach($list as $row)
$return['device_list'][] = $row['sta_mobile'];
$return['device_counts'][] = (int)$row['count'];
$return['device_list'] = json_encode($return['device_list'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$return['device_counts'] = json_encode($return['device_counts'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
return $return;
* 그룹별 통계
* @param $column
* @param $startdate
* @param $enddate
* @return mixed
function statics_group($column, $startdate, $enddate) {
$result =
->select($column.', COUNT(*) AS count')
->where('sta_regtime >=', $startdate . " 00:00:00")
->where('sta_regtime <=', $enddate . " 23:59:59")
->where("{$column} <>",'')
->order_by('count DESC')
$return['list'] = $result->result_array();
$return[$column] = array();
$return['counts'] = array();
$return['total'] = 0;
foreach($return['list'] as $row)
$return[$column][] = $row[$column];
$return['counts'][] = (int)$row['count'];
$return['total'] += (int)$row['count'];
$return[$column] = json_encode($return[$column], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
$return['counts'] = json_encode($return['counts'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
return $return;